woman with tooth pain

If you think you may have a dental emergency it is important to know what to do to ensure your issue is addressed as soon as possible. Our office provides same day or next day appointments to accommodate our patients that need immediate treatment.

One of the most common dental emergencies that patients experience is tooth pain. There are tips you can try at home if the tooth pain does not go away while you wait for an appointment in our office. Pain is a way of our body sending a message that something is wrong. Typically, if patients experience pain this means there is a problem that must be addressed.

There are many causes for tooth pain such as tooth decay, issues with a filling, tooth fracture, or infection. If you have any of the below signs you may have an infection, and you must be seen right away.

• Fever
• Swollen or red gums
• Blood or pus around tooth
• Throbbing pain that does not go away
• Swollen or tender face or jaw

What Can I Do at Home to Relieve Tooth Pain?

There are remedies patients can use at home to help treat tooth pain while they wait to be seen in our office. These remedies can help reduce pain and keep you comfortable.

• Take an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen.
• Use a pain relief gel on the area.
• Apply a cold compress covered with a cloth to the area to help reduce inflammation for 20 minutes each time.
• If you have a hot compress this can also be used on the area to help relieve pain.
• Peppermint tea bags can be used on the area and are known to help ease oral pain.
• Clove oil can be used on the area and is known to help reduce inflammation or numb oral pain.

Looking to Make an Appointment to Address Tooth Pain?

If you have tooth pain that does not go away we recommend making an appointment to be seen in our office. Our staff will provide a thorough exam to help identify the cause and address your tooth pain. X-rays may be taken to get a closer look at the issue. We will recommend treatment options, and always address serious issues immediately.

Patients can prevent tooth pain by practicing good oral hygiene habits at home. Brushing and flossing each day is important as well as eating a healthy diet, and avoiding high sugar foods or drinks. We also recommend to avoid hard food items that may cause a crack or injury to your teeth. Regular dental cleanings and exams in our office can help keep your mouth and teeth feeling great.

If you have tooth pain and would like to make an appointment, please call our office and our staff will make sure you are seen as soon as possible!


Taking care of your oral and overall health must be a priority. Knowing when you need to call your dentist is important. Practicing good oral hygiene habits help to prevent tooth decay, cavities, and many other issues. Cavities are one of the most common issues patients face, and about 30 percent of Americans have untreated dental cavities. Leaving a cavity untreated can destroy your teeth leading to tooth loss, infection, and other more serious conditions.
It is helpful for patients to understand what a cavity is, and also know what symptoms to look out for if you think you may have a cavity.

What is a Cavity?

A cavity is when bacteria or food build up and form plaque on your teeth. The bacteria eat away at the enamel on your teeth and cause decay. Good oral hygiene habits are so important, and brushing and flossing can help you get rid of the plaque build up to prevent cavities from developing. Once the cavity is formed there is a small hole in your tooth, and if left untreated the cavity can destroy your tooth or develop an infection.

What Are the Signs of a Cavity?

There are signs you can look out for that may indicate you have a cavity. If you experience any of these signs we encourage you to contact our office, and our staff will get you in as soon as possible. Our team always works to keep our patient’s teeth and mouth healthy and pain free.

• Sensitivity to hot and cold that lingers and does not go away
• Sensitivity to sweet foods or drinks
• A toothache that is on or around one or more teeth
• Pain when you bite down or pain during eating
• Discoloration, white spots, or staining on a tooth
• A small hole or mark on your tooth

Need to Contact Our Office?

Knowing these signs can help you decide if you need to contact a dentist. We always tell patients to never hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are here to help, and a cavity should never be left untreated.
If you think you may have a cavity and need to schedule an appointment, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!


Root canals are a common procedure and are required when the soft tissue inside the root canal becomes inflamed or infected. This infection is typically caused by either bacteria, or an injury to the tooth. Root canals are performed to help safe a tooth and prevent serious health problems from developing in the future. Root canals must always be addressed promptly to avoid complications. At The Smile Lounge, our first priority is always to save your tooth, and our team will do everything to ensure your root canal procedure in Grande Prairie, TX is successful.

How Long Do Root Canals Last?

Root canals have a success rate of 95%, and can last patients a lifetime. To help your root canal last placing the crown immediately following the root canal procedure is beneficial. Keeping the area surrounding your root canal clean is important. Practicing good oral hygiene habits can ensure your root canal lasts forever.

In some cases patients have issues with their root canal, and there is a chance that a root canal can fail. This is unlikely, but can be due to cracks in the root area, or an obstruction that could make it difficult to properly clean the root area of the tooth. Symptoms indicating you may have an issue include sensitivity to hot or cold, swelling, or pain while chewing. If you experience any of these symptoms we urge you to contact our office immediately.

What Are the Treatment Options for Failed Root Canals?


The most common option for failed root canals is retreatment. This option has the highest success rate, and involves removing the original filling and disinfecting the canal. We then reseal the area to help prevent further infection and to stop bacteria from entering.


This procedure is done when there is a blockage around the tooth that prevents access to the root canal. If a crown was placed during the original procedure this option works well. During this process a small flap is created in the gum to access the root. We then remove the infected area, and place a new seal down to prevent further infection.


This is the last resort if retreatment is not effective, or we cannot restore the tooth in any other way. With this option implants may be used to fill the empty space where the tooth was extracted.

Dr. Daniels works closely with each patient to determine the severity of the root canal failure. We will look at all options, and choose the best option that works for each patient. At The Smile Lounge our patients’ health is our priority and we always provide our patients with the highest level of care in Grande Prairie, TX.

Looking for a Dentist Near You?

If you are looking for an dentist, or have previously had root canal therapy and have a concern, our dental office in Grande Prairie, TX is here to help! Any symptoms should be addressed immediately, and The Smile Lounge team will do our best to have you seen as soon as possible.


Choosing the best cosmetic treatment for your teeth is an important decision. Both dental veneers and dental bonding can give patients that beautiful white smile. Knowing the differences can help patients make their decision and choose the best option. At The Smile Lounge in Grande Prairie, TX, our team provides a comprehensive cosmetic consultation to determine what cosmetic treatment options would work best. We discuss all options available to our patients, and work with each patient to help them decide which treatment fits their needs.

What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is typically done to repair chipped, decayed, or misshapen teeth. A composite material is used that looks natural and matches your natural teeth color. Dental bonding is cost effective, and can change the shape or your tooth, close gaps, or lengthen a tooth. This procedure can help patients get that white even smile in just one day. Local anesthesia is usually not necessary and little preparation is needed.

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are tooth colored shells that are bonded to the front of teeth. Veneers are made out of porcelain or composite resin material, and are made to match the shade of your natural teeth. Veneers are typically used to correct stained, uneven, or misshapen teeth. Dental veneers provide patients with a solution to help create an even white smile. Veneers are permanent and once they are applied they are not reversible. They are durable and can last between 10-15 years if they are cared for properly.

What Is the Best Choice for Me?

Both dental bonding and dental veneers give patients an even bright white smile. Choosing which option works best will be part of the evaluation process in our office. If your teeth are in good condition and your problems are minor, dental bonding is a perfect choice. Dental bonding can be done in a single appointment, and is a simple way to correct and strengthen teeth with no preparation required. Bonding is also more cost effective compared to veneers.

If a patient has more than just simple cosmetic problems with their teeth, dental veneers may be a better choice. Dental veneers have a longer lifespan compared to dental bonding, and if patients practice good oral hygiene habits veneers can last for years. Veneers do require preparation prior to applying them to your teeth compared to bonding. Veneers are durable, and do not require constant maintenance or replacement like dental bonding.

Dr. Daniels and his team always help patients choose the best option. Our patients’ are our priority, and providing patients with beautiful smiles is what we do. Our goal is to give patients that bright white smile they have always wanted.

Are You Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist Near You?

If you want to find out more about dental veneers or dental bonding in Grande Prairie, TX to improve the look of your smile, let The Smile Lounge help! We offer many cosmetic options for our patients, and provide the highest level of care using state of the art technology.

Contact Dr. Daniels’ friendly team today to schedule your cosmetic consultation, and take the first step towards that perfect smile. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!