
It is no surprise that children and teens make up the majority of patients in orthodontic treatment. But that doesn’t mean adults can’t straighten their teeth too? Before you dismiss orthodontics as an adult due to the thought of wearing metal braces to your next board meeting, you’ll want to hear about a better alternative. Most adult patients qualify for Invisalign, a revolutionary treatment option that can straighten your teeth without unsightly brackets and metal wires.

A Discreet Yet Effective Smile Straightening Treatment

Imagine being able to straighten your teeth without anyone else noticing! The Smile Lounge is proud to offer a modern approach to orthodontics using the reputable Invisalign system. This convenient and discreet orthodontic treatment option relies on a series of removable aligners that carefully realign your teeth and bite over a period of time. You can expect a new custom fitted aligner to wear every two weeks that will make slight and comfortable shifts in your teeth to straighten your smile. Finally, you can have the smile you’ve always wanted, without the sacrifice of looking like a middle-schooler in metal braces.

Invisalign braces delivers significant advantages over traditional braces including:

  • Virtually “invisible” appearance without brackets, bands or wires
  • A comfortable process without the need for frequent office visits or wire tightening
  • Removable aligners for eating, brushing and flossing means no dietary restrictions and a healthier, stain-free smile at the end of your treatment

Invisalign has been shown to correct a full range of orthodontic concerns with the effectiveness of traditional braces, including teeth that are crowded, crooked and gapped as well as under bites, over bites and cross bites.

Ready to see if Invisalign is right for you? Call The Smile Lounge in Grand Prairie today.

Posted on Behalf of The Smile Lounge

woman clear tray

We often think of straight teeth as a sign of attraction and beauty. While this is certainly the case, there are also several oral health benefits when the teeth are aligned properly. If you are an adult who is shying away from orthodontic treatment because you think it’s purely a cosmetic investment, you’ll be happy to learn about the other valued ways in which a straighter smile can improve your health and well-being.

Straight Teeth are Often Cleaner Teeth

One of the top perks about having teeth that are properly spaced and aligned is the ease of keeping them clean. Teeth that are overlapping, crowded or crooked can pose a real obstacle to your toothbrush and floss. This can lead to frequent cavities, bad breath, discoloration and gum disease.

A Better Bite Equals a More Comfortable Jaw

Orthodontic treatment also addresses the way your upper and lower teeth fit together when you bite down. If your bite is bad (malocclusion), it can put progressive strain on your TMJ or jaw joint. This can lead to symptoms of TMJ disorder, such as popping jaw, stiff jaw, neck pain, ear pain and tension headaches. A course of clear aligner therapy to adjust your bite may be all that is needed to give you a beautiful smile as well as a more comfortable jaw function.

Aligned Teeth Promote Improved Speech and Chewing

Every tooth in your mouth plays a part in helping you achieve full dental function, which includes how you speak and chew. When the teeth are not widely spaced or crooked, they can better help you break down your food and even pronounce words more clearly.

Learn Your Options for Clear Orthodontics

It’s never too late to reap the benefits of straighter teeth! At The Smile Lounge, we proudly offer discreet and comfortable orthodontic treatment options for adults, including Invisalign clear aligner therapy. Straightening your smile has never been easier! Call today to learn your candidacy for clear aligners from a certified provider in Grand Prairie.

Posted on Behalf of The Smile Lounge